Sunday, September 15, 2013

#1 Film Criteria Cont..


#1 Film Criteria

1) In my opinion a movie there is alot that makes a movie an award winning movie. Its not just the story line or how well the story is put together. I look at how the story flows and as the time plays on different things catch my example. One big thing for me is background. I like when the background of a movie also grabs my attention. It makes me feel like im actually in the room witnessing the movie happening right before my eyes. Lighting also plays a big part because it puts a big empasize on the mood and in its own way can make all the difference in a film. Emotions are tough for me to show so I enjoy watching movies that can bring them out. Music also helps put emphasis on what is going on and initally when intense music plays and all of a sudden stops I can feel my brain trying to figure out what happens next. When it surprises me thats what really makes me like a film. Im the biggest observer so movies that dont flow or make sense to me I just stop watching.

2) In all honesty the films were very boring but very different from the films we get to see now a days. The background in both films really caught my attention. Props and making it come to life really seemed to play a big part in helping carry out the plot of the films. The narrator was pretty boring but I could tell the different emotions by the way the characters were acting.

3) one of my favorite movies that I really enjoyed had to be "Grand Torino" with clint eastwood. I really enjoyed this movie due to the storyline it carried out through the whole movie. It really left me on my toes and had different types of emotions running through me. I cried when I watched this movie. Another movie that had we crying and I consider a great movie was " The End Of Watch." The horrific yet truthful events that took place left me speechless. This movie was great and I truely recommend it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Movie Interests

I am not a really big fan of watching movies. I can watch them here and there but I am not a movie buff or someone who stays home and enjoys watching movie after movie. I enjoy TV shows a lot more because they leave me with a lot more suspense. The way I view the art of film is the way I view reading a book. The way a book leaves you wanting to continue reading and not being able to put the book down is the way I want a movie to make me feel. I prefer movies with action and suspense filled with mystery to keep my attention and make me feel like I am apart of the movie. I also enjoy comedy like step brothers. That movie was very entertaining and made me want to watch it over and over again. Some romantic movies I enjoy watching like "A Walk to Remember". I also enjoy watching movies that were based on a true story because sometimes its amazing what some people go through and how strong and successful they become through all the hardship they have been through.
One movie that I really enjoyed watching this year was in my French class called "Intouchables." This movie was made different types of emotions emerge from my soul. I made me laugh, cry, feel upset, and really captured my attention through its unique sense of humor. These are the types of movies that define what I call my favorite type of movie. The storyline was about this young man who didn't have any type of education and put in a resume to be an nursing assistant to a rich man who was paralyzed in a wheelchair. He experienced new things with this man and not only became a better person but he also gained a great friend. This movie is also based off a true story which warmed my heart even more. I have to say it is one of the best films I have watched in a long time. On TV I usually watch a lot of comedy like Tyler Perry's films such as Medea or his short plays and I watch a lot of movies with action.
When I was younger I watch a old movie that was supposed to be scary called "Birds" and it was in black and white. My mom told me that when she was younger that's what scary was all about. It was very original, unique and the way it was filmed was very different to scary movies today. I noticed the difference in films today and the difference in film back then. Also when I watch a movie I like to thing about where the producer got the idea from or where he was able to piece the storyline together and create such a great story that leaves people saying "wow that is a great movie." I have to say when I really enjoy a movie I often look who the producer was and most of the time the movies I tend to enjoy often have to be from Steven Steilbergs movies. He has such a creative and over the top imagination that incorporating it into a movie really works well for him. In my opinion being a producer has got to be a challenging job because you have to be able to keep the audiences attention for a long period of time. I commend and salute the people behind the scenes and the great actors are able to make the imagination come to life. Intouchables A Walk To Remember